
Energy Management
MS 1021 Materials Science and Engineering
MS102103 材料科學與工程一
時間、地點:W7W8R7R8 DELTA台達B03
教師:廖建能老師 (台達館R417, 分機:33843, e-mail :
The purpose of this course is to provide engineering-oriented students fundamental knowledge of materials science and engineering.
Text Book:
W. F. Smith and J. Hashemi, "Foundations of Materials Science and Engineering", 6th Ed., McGraw-Hill, ISBN 978-1-260-09203-5
Lecture 1: Introduction to Materials Science and Engineering
Lecture 2: Atomic structure and bonding
Lecture 3: Crystal and amorphous structure in materials
Lecture 4: Solidification and crystalline imperfections
Lecture 5: Thermally activated processes and diffusion in solids
Lecture 6: Mechanical properties of metals I
Lecture 7: Mechanical properties of metals II
Lecture 8: Phase diagrams
Class powerpoint:
Class exercise:
Previous exam: