
Energy Management
MS 5041 Kinetics of Materials
MS 504100 材料動力學
時間、地點:M5M6W5W6 DELTA台達B03
教師:廖建能 (台達館R417, 分機:33843, e-mail :
The purpose of this course is to provide students fundamental knowledge of essential kinetics of various material systems.
The subjects covered are (1) Diffusion; (2) Chemical reactions; (3) Phase transformations.
Reference Books:
(1) R. W. Balluffi, "Kinetics of Materials", Wiley 2005
(2) O. Levenspiel, “Chemical Reaction Engineering”, 3rd Ed., John Wiley & Sons, 1999.
(3) D. A. Porter,“Phase Transformations in metals and alloys”, 2nd Ed., Chapman & Hall, 1992.
Lecture 1 Introduction
Thermodynamics vs. Kinetics; steady flow process; irreversible thermodynamics; entropy production & driving force
Lecture 2 Driving forces for mass transport
Chemical potential gradient; electric field; temperature gradient ; Surface potential gradient; Stress gradient
Lecture 3 Diffusion equations and solutions
Steady and non-steady solutions; Boltzmann-Matano analysis
Lecture 4 Diffusion mechanism
Thermally activated atomic jumping; atomic diffusion mechanism; diffusion in ionic solids
Lecture 5 Diffusion in crystal imperfections
Grain boundary diffusion; Surface diffusion ; Dislocation diffusion
Lecture 6 Homogeneous chemical reactions
Batch-type reaction; Rate equation & analysis methodology
Lecture 7 Hetergeneous chemical reactions
Fluid-solid; Fluid-Fluid; Fluid-Particle reactions
Lecture 8 Coarsening & grain growth
Lecture 9 Spinodal decomposition
Lecture 10 Nucleation theory
Lecture 11 Solidification